Results for 'Arne H. Eide'

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  1.  29
    Addressing equitable health of vulnerable groups in international health documents.Arne H. Eide, Mutamad Amin, Malcolm MacLachlan, Hasheem Mannan & Marguerite Schneider - 2013 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 7 (3):153-162.
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    Approaching the measurement of disability prevalence: The case of Zambia.Mitchell E. Loeb, Arne H. Eide & Daniel Mont - 2008 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 2 (1):32-43.
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    22. The Flaghaug Burials.Håkon Reiersen & Frans-Arne H. Stylegar - 2017 - In Dagfinn Skre, Avaldsnes - a Sea-Kings' Manor in First-Millennium Western Scandinavia. De Gruyter. pp. 551-638.
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    Dignity in relationships and existence in nursing homes’ cultures.Arne Rehnsfeldt, Åshild Slettebø, Vibeke Lohne, Berit Sæteren, Lillemor Lindwall, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Maj-Britt Råholm, Bente Høy, Synnøve Caspari & Dagfinn Nåden - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (7-8):1761-1772.
    Introduction: Expressions of dignity as a clinical phenomenon in nursing homes as expressed by caregivers were investigated. A coherence could be detected between the concepts and phenomena of existence and dignity in relationships and caring culture as a context. A caring culture is interpreted by caregivers as the meaning-making of what is accepted or not in the ward culture. Background: The rationale for the connection between existence and dignity in relationships and caring culture is that suffering is a part of (...)
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  5.  51
    Smartphone Restriction and Its Effect on Subjective Withdrawal Related Scores.Tine A. Eide, Sarah H. Aarestad, Cecilie S. Andreassen, Robert M. Bilder & Ståle Pallesen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The meaning of dignity in nursing home care as seen by relatives.Arne Rehnsfeldt, Lillemor Lindwall, Vibeke Lohne, Britt Lillestø, Åshild Slettebø, Anne Kari T. Heggestad, Trygve Aasgaard, Maj-Britt Råholm, Synnøve Caspari, Bente Høy, Berit Sæteren & Dagfinn Nåden - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (5):507-517.
    Background: As part of an ongoing Scandinavian project on the dignity of care for older people, this study is based on ‘clinical caring science’ as a scientific discipline. Clinical caring science examines how ground concepts, axioms and theories are expressed in different clinical contexts. Central notions are caring culture, dignity, at-home-ness, the little extra, non-caring cultures versus caring cultures and ethical context – and climate. Aim and assumptions: This study investigates the individual variations of caring cultures in relation to dignity (...)
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    Multiteam Systems Handling Time-Sensitive Targets: Developing Situation Awareness in Distributed and Co-located Settings.Thorvald Hærem, Sigmund Valaker, Eric Arne Lofquist & Bjørn Tallak Bakken - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    There is an increasing interest in how to organize operations carried out by multiteam systems. Large MTS typically operate with a dedicated integration team, responsible for coordinating the operation. We report a study of a military multiteam system that prosecute time-sensitive targets. We asked whether and how the integration team’s efficiency depends on its communication setting. Specifically, we studied how a co-located vs. a distributed communications setting influenced the shared situation awareness and whether the shared situation awareness again influenced the (...)
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    Aspects of indignity in nursing home residences as experienced by family caregivers.Dagfinn Nåden, Arne Rehnsfeldt, Maj-Britt Råholm, Lillemor Lindwall, Synnøve Caspari, Trygve Aasgaard, Åshild Slettebø, Berit Sæteren, Bente Høy, Britt Lillestø, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad & Vibeke Lohne - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (7):0969733012475253.
    The overall purpose of this cross-country Nordic study was to gain further knowledge about maintaining and promoting dignity in nursing home residents. The purpose of this article is to present results pertaining to the following question: How is nursing home residents’ dignity maintained, promoted or deprived from the perspective of family caregivers? In this article, we focus only on indignity in care. This study took place at six different nursing home residences in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Data collection methods in (...)
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  9.  47
    Arne Dekke Eide Naess: 27 January 1912 – 12 January 2009 Founding editor of Inquiry.Kristian Bjørkdahl & Wayne Martin - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (1):1-1.
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    Fostering dignity in the care of nursing home residents through slow caring.Vibeke Lohne, Bente Høy, Britt Lillestø, Berit Sæteren, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Trygve Aasgaard, Synnøve Caspari, Arne Rehnsfeldt, Maj-Britt Råholm, Åshild Slettebø, Lillemor Lindwall & Dagfinn Nåden - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (7):778-788.
    Background: Physical impairment and dependency on others may be a threat to dignity. Research questions: The purpose of this study was to explore dignity as a core concept in caring, and how healthcare personnel focus on and foster dignity in nursing home residents. Research design: This study has a hermeneutic design. Participants and research context: In all, 40 healthcare personnel from six nursing homes in Scandinavia participated in focus group interviews in this study. Ethical considerations: This study has been evaluated (...)
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  11.  22
    High Intensity Long Interval Sets Provides Similar Enjoyment as Continuous Moderate Intensity Exercise. The Tromsø Exercise Enjoyment Study.Edvard H. Sagelv, Tord Hammer, Tommy Hamsund, Kamilla Rognmo, Svein Arne Pettersen & Sigurd Pedersen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Beyond physical harm: how preference for consequentialism and primary psychopathy relate to decisions on a monetary trolley dilemma.Dries H. Bostyn, Sybren Sevenhant & Arne Roets - 2018 - Thinking and Reasoning 25 (2):192-206.
    When is it appropriate to harm a single person to help multiple others? Psychologists have investigated this question through the study of hypothetical “trolley” dilemmas involving extreme physical harm life-or-death situations that contrast outcome-focussed, consequentialist moral reasoning with principle-focussed, deontological moral reasoning. The present studies investigate whether participants’ preference for consequentialism generalises across domains. We administered traditional physical harm dilemmas as well as a trolley-type dilemma involving monetary harm. Across four studies (N = 809), an internal meta-analysis demonstrated that participants’ (...)
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  13. The Lament, Hidden Key to Effective Listening.Barry Bub, Pg Ps, Frederic W. Platt, Geoffrey H. Gordon & Souzan E. El Eid - forthcoming - Medical Humanities.
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    Preliminary Material.Finn Collin, Uffe Juul Jensen, Arne Grøn, Klemens Kappel, Sven Erik Nordenbo & C. H. Koch - 1992 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 27 (1):1-5.
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    Preliminary Material.Finn Collin, Uffe Juul Jensen, Arne Grøn, Jørgen Mikkelsen, Sven Erik Nordenbo & C. H. Koch - 1995 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 30 (1):1-5.
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  16.  28
    Affective Valence and Enjoyment in High- and Moderate-High Intensity Interval Exercise. The Tromsø Exercise Enjoyment Study.Tord Markussen Hammer, Sigurd Pedersen, Svein Arne Pettersen, Kamilla Rognmo & Edvard H. Sagelv - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:825738.
    IntroductionExercise at high intensity may cause lower affective responses toward exercise compared with moderate intensity exercise. We aimed to elucidate affective valence and enjoyment in high- and moderate-high interval exercise.MethodsTwenty recreationally active participants (9 females, 11 males, age range: 20–51 years) underwent three different treadmill running exercise sessions per week over a 3-week period, in randomized order; (1) CE70: 45 min continuous exercise at 70% of heart rate maximum (HRmax), (2) INT80: 4 × 4 min intervals at 80% of HRmax, (...)
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  17.  17
    Frihet, nødvendighet og sosial tvang - Kritiske kommentarer til Lars Fr. H. Svendsen, Frihetens filosofi.Arne Overrein - 2016 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 34 (1):226-251.
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    Et forsøk på å forstå demokratiet og dets kriseEirik Høyer Leivestad,Frykt og avsky i demokratiet.Oslo: Vagant 2020.Arne Overrein - 2022 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 39 (3):195-207.
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  19.  31
    Julius A. Stratton;, Loretta H. Mannix. Mind and Hand: The Birth of MIT. xix + 781 pp., apps., illus., bibl., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2005. $55 .Charles M. Vest. Pursuing the Endless Frontier: Essays on MIT and the Role of Research Universities. xxvi + 292 pp., index. Cambridge, Mass./London: MIT Press, 2004. $24.95. [REVIEW]Arne Hessenbruch - 2006 - Isis 97 (4):736-737.
  20.  24
    Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Humanity: The Fundamental Questions.John P. Holdren, Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne Ehrlich, Gary Stahl, Berel Lang, Richard H. Popkin, Joseph Margolis, Patrick Morgan, John Hare, Russell Hardin, Richard A. Watson, Gregory S. Kavka, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Sidney Axinn, Terry Nardin, Douglas P. Lackey, Jefferson McMahan, Edmund Pellegrino, Stephen Toulmin, Dietrich Fischer, Edward F. McClennen, Louis Rene Beres, Arne Naess, Richard Falk & Milton Fisk - 1986 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The excellent quality and depth of the various essays make [the book] an invaluable resource....It is likely to become essential reading in its field.—CHOICE.
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  21. Anmeldelse af Bruce H. Kirmmse: Kierkegaard in Golden Age Denmark.Arne Grøn - 1993 - Kierkegaardiana 16:142-146.
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  22.  38
    Arne Johan Vetlesen, The Denial of Nature: Environmental Philosophy in the Era of Global Capitalism.Robert H. Scott - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (1):126-128.
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  23.  34
    Friedrich Heubel, Matthias Kettner, Arne Manzeschke (Hrsg) (2010) Die Privatisierung von Krankenhäusern – ethische Perspektiven: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden, 202 Seiten, 29,95 €, ISBN 978-3-531-17256-9. [REVIEW]Karl H. Wehkamp - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (1):85-86.
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    Strategic Learning and its Limits.H. Peyton Young - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In this concise book based on his Arne Ryde Lectures in 2002, Young suggests a conceptual framework for studying strategic learning and highlights theoretical developments in the area. He discusses the interactive learning problem; reinforcement and regret; equilibrium; conditional no-regret learning; prediction, postdiction, and calibration; fictitious play and its variants; Bayesian learning; and hypothesis testing. Young's framework emphasizes the amount of information required to implement different types of learning rules, criteria for evaluating their performance, and alternative notions of equilibrium (...)
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  25.  25
    (1 other version)Næss Arne. Symbolsk logikk . 2nd edn., mimeographed. Filosofiske problemer no. 10. Universitetets Studentkontor, Oslo 1948, IV + 192 pp. [REVIEW]G. H. V. Wright - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):185-186.
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  26.  8
    Essays in pragmatic philosophy.Helge Høibraaten & Ingemund Gullvåg (eds.) - 1985 - Oxford: Distributed world-wide excluding Scandinavia by Oxford University Press.
    This is the second of two voumes designed to document a trend in Norwegian philosophy away from the empirical semantics represented by Arne Naess towards a more pragmatic and transcendental perspective. A number of the contributed essays examine the controversy between Wittgenstein and the philosophies of Habermas and Apel.
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  27.  35
    Arne Naess — Dogmas and Problems of Empiricism.Friedrich Stadler - 2010 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 14:11-31.
    Arne Dekke Eide Naess was born on January 27, 1912 in Oslo. After a long and successful life he passed away on January 12, 2009 in Oslo as the most renowned Norwegian philosopher, where he was honoured with a state funeral. He was one of the most important public figures in Norway and in his later years became known all over the world as a pioneer of the ecological movement. Given this publicity in recent decades his earlier life (...)
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  28.  81
    Deep ecology and the irrelevance of morality.Eric H. Reitan - 1996 - Environmental Ethics 18 (4):411-424.
    Both Arne Naess and Warwick Fox have argued that deep ecology, in terms of “Selfrealization,” is essentially nonmoral. I argue that the attainment of the ecological Self does not render morality in the richest sense “superfluous,” as Fox suggests. To the contrary, the achievement of the ecological Self is a precondition for being a truly moral person, both from the perspective of a robust Kantian moral frameworkand from the perspective of Aristotelian virtue ethics. The opposition between selfregard and morality (...)
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  29.  75
    From Voluntarism to Regulation: A Study on Ownership, Economic Performance and Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure in China. [REVIEW]X. H. Meng, S. X. Zeng & C. M. Tam - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (1):217-232.
    This article examines whether economic performance could affect EID and how the relationship is determined by the form of ownership from voluntarism to regulation under the current Chinese context. In this study, our empirical results show that the relationship between firms’ performance and EID is complex and the interactive impact of ownership and economic performance on EID significantly varies from voluntary disclosure to mandatory disclosure. This study provides a more comprehensive understanding of the motivations in corporate EID. The performance–impression theory (...)
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  30.  16
    J. WITT (Hrsg.), Staatliche Museen zu Berlin-Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Bestandskataloge, Band 2. Werke der Alltagskultur, Teil 1: Menasampullen. [REVIEW]Victor H. Elbern - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):725-726.
    Mit dem «Catalogue raisonné» von Oskar Wulff: „Altchristliche und mittelalterliche Bildwerke“ (1909 bzw. 1911) war die Erforschung und Präsentation der in den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin gesammelten einschlägigen Kunst seinerzeit mit einem Schlage in die vorderste Reihe wissenschaftlicher Kataloge in Europa gerückt worden. Abgesehen von einer Neubearbeitung durch Wolfgang Fritz Volbach (1950) ist entsprechend Umfassendes für die ehemalige „Frühchristlich-Byzantinische Sammlung“ der Berliner Museen seither nicht wieder geleistet worden. Mit dem beträchtlichen zeitlichen Abstand zu den älteren Katalogen erscheint es verständlich und (...)
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  31.  58
    T. Eide, T. Hägg, R. H. Pierce, L. Török : Fontes Historiae Nubiorum, Vol. III. Textual Sources for the History of the Middle Nile Region between the Eighth Century BC and the Sixth Century AD: From the First to the Sixth Century AD. Pp. 751–1216. Bergen: University of Bergen, 1998. Paper, NOK 220. ISBN: 82-91626-07-3. [REVIEW]Richard Alston - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (1):347-348.
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  32. Factors that Drive Chinese Listed Companies in Voluntary Disclosure of Environmental Information.S. X. Zeng, X. D. Xu, H. T. Yin & C. M. Tam - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (3):309-321.
    Based on the institutional theory, this article attempts to examine two consecutive questions regarding the impact of various factors on corporate decision in environmental information disclosure (EID): (1) whether or not to disclose; and (2) the level of disclosure. The relevance of these factors is empirically tested using data collected from publicly listed manufacturing companies from 2006 to 2008 in China. Some interesting findings appear. We find that firms that are state-owned, those that operate in environmentally sensitive industries, those having (...)
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  33.  39
    The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone Patre.Cynthia Damon & D. S. Potter - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (1):13-42.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Senatus Consultum de Cn. Pisone PatreD. S. PotterTranslated by Cynthia DamonEditorial Conventions( ) expansion of abbreviation[ ] restoration of letters written but now missing{ } deletion of letters written by mistake[ ] correction of letters considered wrongly inscribed necessary supplements > in translation, material supplied for clarity1 A(nte) d(iem) IIII eid(us) Dec(embres) in Palatio in porticu, quae est ad Apollinis. Scribendo2 adfuerunt M(arcus) Valerius M(arci) f(ilius) Lem(onia tribu) (...)
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  34. Effortless Attention: A New Perspective in the Cognitive Science of Attention and Action.Brian Bruya (ed.) - 2010 - MIT Press.
    This is the first book to explore the cognitive science of effortless attention and action. Attention and action are generally understood to require effort, and the expectation is that under normal circumstances effort increases to meet rising demand. Sometimes, however, attention and action seem to flow effortlessly despite high demand. Effortless attention and action have been documented across a range of normal activities--from rock climbing to chess playing--and yet fundamental questions about the cognitive science of effortlessness have gone largely unasked. (...)
  35.  14
    Fra egoisme til sjenerøsitet – kan toppidretten reformeres?Gunnar Breivik - 2010 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):39-56.
    Artikkelen tar utgangspunkt i den norske idrettsmodellen der topp og bredde hører sammen, og der toppidrettsutøvere uvegerlig blir rollemodeller for barn og unge. Den moderne toppidretten er i økende grad preget av egoistiske holdninger der det dreier seg hele tiden om å skaffe seg fordeler. I denne artikkelen tar jeg opp egoisme, rettferdighet og sjenerøsitet som tre grunnleggende holdninger i idrettskonkurranser og drøfter hvorvidt man med inspirasjon fra sjenerøsitetsidealer og praktiske eksempler kan tenke seg en toppidrett som i større grad (...)
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  36.  59
    The Vienna Circle and Logical Empiricism: Re-evaluation and Future Perspectives.Friedrich Stadler, Arne Naess, Paolo Parrini, Anita Von Duhn, David Jalal Hyder & Hubert Schleichert - 2003 - Springer Verlag. Edited by Friedrich Stadler.
    This work is for scholars, researchers and students in history and philosophy of science focusing on Logical Empiricism and analytic philosophy (of science). It provides historical and systematic research and deals with the influence and impact of the Vienna Circle/Logical Empiricism on today's philosophy of science. It also explores the intellectual context of this scientific philosophy and focuses on main figures and peripheral adherents.
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  37. Kenkyū kaihatsu senryaku ritsuan no hōhōron: jizokusei shakai no jitsugen no tame ni.H. Yoshikawa - 2010 - Tōkyō: Kagaku Gijutsu Shinkō Kikō Kenkyū Kaihatsu Senryaku Sentā.
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  38. Optic flow estimation by means of the polynomial transform.H. Yuen, B. Escalante & J. L. Silvan - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 181-182.
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  39. (1 other version)Deutsche Philosophie und deutsche Politik.H. Zeltner - 1956 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 48:550.
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  40. Identitätsprobleme deutsch-jüdischer Einwanderer in den Vereinigten Staaten Le problème de l'identité des immigrants juifs allemands aux Etats-Unis.H. Zohn - 1988 - Kairos (misc) 30:11-24.
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  41. al-Sūbar mithālīyah mā baʻda al-sūbir ḥadāthah.Ḥasan ʻAjamī - 2007 - Bayrūt: al-Dār al-ʻArabīyah lil-ʻUlūm-Nāshirūn.
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  42.  46
    The Spectro-Contextual Encoding and Retrieval Theory of Episodic Memory.Andrew J. Watrous & Arne D. Ekstrom - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  43.  69
    Public Goods With Punishment and Abstaining in Finite and Infinite Populations.Christoph Hauert, Arne Traulsen, Hannelore De Silva née Brandt, Martin A. Nowak & Karl Sigmund - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (2):114-122.
    The evolution and maintenance of cooperation in human and animal societies challenge various disciplines ranging from evolutionary biology to anthropology, social sciences, and economics. In social interactions, cooperators increase the welfare of the group at some cost to themselves whereas defectors attempt to free ride and neither provide benefits nor incur costs. The problem of cooperation becomes even more pronounced when increasing the number of interacting individuals. Punishment and voluntary participation have been identified as possible factors to support cooperation and (...)
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  44.  25
    Philosophers and Research in the Soft Sciences.Arne Næss - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 6:255-259.
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  45.  16
    Handbuch Medienrhetorik.Francesca Vidal & Arne Scheuermann (eds.) - 2016 - De Gruyter.
    Wie finden Medien Eingang in die Theorie der Rhetorik? Und wie findet Rhetorik Eingang in die Praxis der Medien? Der vorliegende Band erschließt die Beziehung zwischen der Rhetorik und den Medien sowohl historisch und systematisch als auch in aktuellen Fallstudien. Im ersten Teil wird dargelegt, wie die mediale Grundstruktur der Rhetorik reflektiert wurde – in die Bedeutung von Medien für das überzeugende Handeln von der Antike und Spätantike über Mittelalter, Renaissance, Barock sowie Aufklärung und Moderne bis zu gegenwärtigen Theorien. Im (...)
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  46. Amarot ṭehorot Otsrot Yaʻaḳov: liḳuṭ be-ʻinyene musar ṿe-hadrakhah ba-ʻavodat ha-Shem.Jacob ben Masoud Abi-Ḥasira - 2007 - Ashdod: Mekhon Otsrot Yaʻaḳov.
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  47. Sefer Elef binah.Jacob ben Masoud Abi-Ḥasira - 1967
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  48. Les quantités élémentaires de l'électricité: ions, électrons, corpuscules.H. Abraham & P. Langevin - 1906 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 14 (3):5-6.
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  49. (5 other versions)Problems of Consciousness: Transactions of the First Conference.H. A. Abramson (ed.) - 1950 - Josiah Macy Foundation.
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    Problems of Consciousness.H. A. Abramson - 1953 - Philosophy of Science 20 (3):243-244.
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